Millikin Rm 14 Newsletters

This blog is for Millikin parents to view weekly newsletters and other information happening in our classroom.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekly Overview - Nov. 14-18


Dear Parents:
Please send back the signed (empty) report card envelope. Also, even with the signed note that came back about spelling homework, there were 5 students who had to miss recess due to errors in spelling homework on both nights of homework. There were other students who had errors on either Monday or Tuesday. I can’t stress enough the importance of carefully going over your child’s homework, not just on spelling nights, but EACH homework night. This daily one-on-one time with you is important for your child’s academic growth-with 30 students in the classroom I just can’t get to everyone each day.


Phonograms:  We will learn one phonogram this week- ea (long e,short e, long a). There will be a quiz this week.

dream   meat   flea   tease   bread   head   breath   steak   great           
Reading: Our story this week is a circle story (it ends up where it began) called, “EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House!”. Please review the vocabulary with your child for Monday’s homework.

Writing: We hope to finish up our Hidden Villa stories this week!
English:  We will continue to work on punctuation, capitalization, and adding s to nouns and verbs.  This week's new skill is learning how to add 's to a word to show that something belongs to someone.  There will be a review quiz on Thursday (adding s to nouns and verbs).

Spelling: Beginning this week, the spelling sentences will have one new criterion: at least one of the sentences MUST end in a question mark. There can be more than one question mark. Also, your child should not change the spelling word to fit his/her sentence; the sentence should fit the spelling word.
1. eat       2. steam     3. bread       4. each    5. great
6. snowman     7. make     8. gift    9. with       10. said

MATH: This week we will work on a great subtraction strategy for 1,2 and 3 – counting back. This is similar to our counting on strategy except that instead of counting on from the larger number, a student will count backward. We will also be using addition to help with subtraction. This is called using “related facts”. For example, if I want to know 14-7, I can think of the related addition double (7+7=14) to know that 14-7=7. We will first practice the concept of related facts with doubles and then we will move on to other facts up to 12.

SCIENCE:  We will begin our Air and Weather science unit by exploring air and what we know of its properties and what it can do.

SOCIAL STUDIES: This week we will begin Unit 5, Celebrate Cultures. The question to explore this week is “How are we alike?”.

***************************SPECIAL NOTES****************************
BARNES & NOBLE NIGHT THIS THURSDAY- NOV. 17 –The PTA has been working very hard to make our Barnes & Noble Book Fair evening a huge success. Please come on out, listen to some stories (I will be reading a story or two) and do some holiday shopping for books and treats. A portion of your purchases helps to support our school!!

Friday, Nov. 18 – Social Studies Fair- Celebrating the US and its regions

Nov. 23-25 Happy Thanksgiving holiday!!

Nov. 28- Family-to-Family outreach opportunity begins

The students have a wonderful opportunity to take part in a Student Council sponsored fund-raiser (just $2.00- That’s less than a Starbucks!) for hand and foot-warmers for our troops overseas. Your child can do an extra chore and bring $2.00 (or more!) to support our soldiers. Thank you!

SAVE THE DATE-- MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 - HOLIDAY PROGRAM AT MILLIKIN.  More info. (about dress, time, etc.) to come!

 Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Pierce