Millikin Rm 14 Newsletters

This blog is for Millikin parents to view weekly newsletters and other information happening in our classroom.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Weekly Overview - Nov. 28-Dec.2


Dear Parents:
Please make sure that you have read the note and emails about the Family-to-Family giving opportunity. I hope that you are able to help your child to find a way to earn $5 (or more!) to help a family in need. Learning to give to others is such a valuable life lesson. Donations are due Monday, December 5.


Phonograms:  We will learn ng and nk. There will be a quiz this week.

sing   bring   long   hung   bang   thank   blink   trunk   drink   think

Reading: We will be reading a story about a rain forest animal, the red-eyed tree frog. Please help your child to review the vocabulary that is being sent home on Monday. Our discussion will focus on story summary.

English:  We will continue to work on punctuation, capitalization, adding s to nouns and verbs and adding ‘s to a word to show that something belongs to someone. We will review the practice of adding -ed to show that something has happened in the past. There will be two skill quizzes (Wed. and Fri.) for punctuation, capitalization, and adding s and ‘s.

Spelling: Spelling homework accuracy has improved J, but there continue to be students losing homework points for not using correct punctuation and not underlining the spelling word in each sentence L.

1. song         2.  thing         3.  think         4.  thank         5.  it’s   (means “it is”)                           
6.  water         7.  bring         8.  bank         9.  to             10.  we

MATH: We will finish up our related facts topic and have our topic test on Tueday. This test includes using pictures and number sentences to solve story problems. Students should continue to review their math facts, as MANY students still do not know their facts and strategies (doubles, near doubles, related facts…). On Wednesday we will begin an entirely different math strand-geometry. Our study this week will focus on definition and recognition of plane shapes (flat) with respect to sides and corners.

SCIENCE: This week we will have a science lab to explore some of the different properties of air, as well as some of the tools that scientists and others use to measure air.

*********************SPECIAL NOTES***************************
 *Dec. 12 – Holiday Program – arrive by 6:00 - program
                   begins at 6:30- Millikin cafeteria
*Dec. 16 - Holiday party and 1:37 dismissal
*Jan. 3  (Tuesday!) - school resumes- Happy New Year!

There will be a progress report this week for Nov.14-22.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Pierce